Training and Development Courses
We specialise in providing events and opportunities that help people to learn new ideas and strategies. By focussing on the needs of the individual we also help organizations to grow and thrive. It's what we like doing and we're very good at it.

Where is all the knowledge we lost with information?
Our core strength is designing bespoke training and development opportunities for our clients. Contact us to find out how we can help your programme. To give you some ideas though, these are just a few of the programmes and training areas that we've delivered recently.
We've designed and run courses, workshops, development centres and assessment centres designed to help individuals become more effective leaders and to assist organizations in developing their future leaders. Programmes can run from a one-day taster to a week-long residential - though we always place a focus around helping people to realise their own values, so as to provide a solid, authentic and resolute base.
Personal Effectiveness
Personal Effectiveness is called lots of things – but we think of it as helping people to get the best out of the resources they have. We run a range of programmes that focus on individuals and therefore assist them in becoming more effective in whatever they are seeking to achieve.
Sometimes these programmes are skill-based, such as the acclaimed courses we've designed around:
- Workload Management
- Project Management
- Finding your Motivation
- Managing Stress and Nerves
- Assertiveness
- Networking Essentials
- Managing Your Boss
- Working Collaboratively
- Creativity and Problem Solving
- Rapid Reading
- Graphical Note-Taking
But sometimes the content revolves around the needs that individual participants bring. Often these individual programmes are supplemented with coaching to help the participants achieve more impactful long-term change.
Communication Skills
We have a range of courses for a range of experiences and abilities. Learn insights and techniques from “the best presenter I’ve ever heard”. Gain strategies for presenting your ideas and material most effectively at conferences and meetings.We already run focussed programmes on:
- Conference Presentations
- Avoiding PowerPointlessness
- Designing and Delivering Effective Research Posters
- Filmed Presentation Masterclasses
- Communicating Technically With Non - Specialists
- Presentation Skills for the Terrified
In addition, we also have a unique “real time” skills support service called Conference Confidence. We think it’s great, because it deals with an individual’s presentation concerns at exactly the moment when they need it most.
Sustainable Development - Grow Your Own
Rather than rely on outside services to provide your programmes, we’d rather you learned how to do it properly yourself. We already run courses on:
- Facilitation Skills
- Designing Inspirational Training Programmes
- Train the Trainer
- Coaching Skills at Work
and a suite of courses and workshops designed to help new supervisors and managers to build and lead a team most effectively. Get in touch to discover how we could help the people in your organisation to grow and develop sustainably.
Speciality Training Areas
As well as these broad thematic areas of training we also provide specialist sector development and training with use of a number of accredited tools. Contact us to find out more.
Becoming an Effective Academic
We started out life as an academic consultancy, and we still understand the sector as well as anyone out there. We’ve run many courses for academics on the bread and butter of Research life, such as:
- Writing and Publishing (including our acclaimed Be A Better Writer workshop)
- Thesis Writing
- Preparing for the Upgrade or Viva
- Writing a Literature Review
- Managing Research
- Managing Workload
- Increasing Research Impact
- “All In One” intensive courses for Part Time PhDs
- Research Inductions
Our first love, and where things started for us was with Development for University Teachers and we still provide highly-recommended courses on areas such as:
- Demostrating and Practical Teaching
- Small Group Teaching
- Assessment Essentials
- Lecturing Skills
- Supervising Student Projects
- Designing Teaching Programmes
If what you are looking for is not on this list, get in touch with us today and tell us what you want.
Training With Accredited Tools
As well as our training and coaching qualifications, we aslo provide accredited tools to supplement the programmes we design.
Training with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
We offer MBTI-qualified trainers to run MBTI workshops from a variety of perspectives. Such as:
- Exploring your Personality with MBTI
- Developing your Team with MBTI
- MBTI for Careers Choices
Training with the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI)
We offer SDI-qualified trainers to run SDI workshops as part of organizational development programmes, in areas such as:
- Conflict Resolution
- Teambuilding
- Supervisory Skills
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Training
We offer NLP qualified and accredited trainers to use NLP alongside other communication, interpersonal skills and personal effectiveness programmes.
If what you are looking for is not on this list, get in touch with us today and tell us what you want.